
Семинар-практикум. Improving Writing Skills for the academic version of IELTS

3 декабря 15:00

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Семинар-практикум международного эксперта в области преподавания английского языка для академических целей и подготовки к международному экзамену IELTS, автора серии учебных и справочных пособий издательства «Макмиллан» Сэма МакКартера.

Sam McCarter.jpg
    Sam McCarter's teaching career spans a period of more than 30 years with numerous publications for IELTS,
and EAP and ESP, such as the widely used IELTS publications Ready for IELTS (Macmillan) and IELTS
Testbuilders (Macmillan). He has also written various articles on IELTS and ESP and has edited glossaries
for CD-ROMs on tropical medicine for the Wellcome Trust as well as working as an editor for various organizations,
including the WHO. His interests include materials production, including the use of electronic media and gamification,
and teaching methodology.

Sam’s IELTS Skills, (Macmillan) an interactive app, won the English Speaking Union President’s Award 2013
for innovation and good practice in English language teaching and learning. The app was also shortlisted
for the ELTons Award 2014 for Digital Innovation.


Программа семинара

15:00      Регистрация

15:30 - 17:00       Improving Writing Skills for the academic version of IELTS

The talk will present a range of practical techniques for improving students writing techniques in both Tasks 1 and 2 in the academic version of the IELTS.  The focus will be on increasing accuracy and organizational awareness and reducing stress in the writing process. There will be a workshop elements to the talk.

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при Правительстве Российской Федерации» 
  Москва, Малый Златоустинский пер., 7, большой зал
  метро «Китай-город» или «Лубянка»

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