
Конференция. От практики в аудитории к успеху в жизни (Екатеринбург)

25 июня 10:00

25 июня 2014 года, Екатеринбург

В конференции принимают участие:

Grzegorz Śpiewak – международный специалист в области методики преподавания английского языка
Наталья Галанина – ведущий методист издательства «Макмиллан»
Наталья Николаева – представитель издательства «Макмиллан» в УрФО

Программа конференции  (скачать программу в формате pdf)

10.00-10.30    Регистрация
                        Выставка-продажа учебной литературы

10.30-10.50    Открытие

10.50-11.40    Grzegorz Śpiewak ‘Teaching (and Learning!) English as a Life Skill’
As modern foreign language professionals, we hear more and more that a modern course concept needs to simultaneously target our modern learners’ language needs and provide a range of professional, academic and social/ personal skills that learners will need in order to succeed in the 21st century. Does this sound like a new challenge to you? Or perhaps as an opportunity to enhance the value of English teaching – both within your institution and to the market outside?

I do hope that after my session you will think it is the latter. My aim is [a] to offer a new rationale for selecting our teaching content to meet the needs of 21st century learners, big and small, and [b] to suggest a few ideas for how to exploit that attractive content in ways that will build learners’ higher order skills - through, with and in English -  as a vital instrument of success in their life beyond the classroom.

11.40-12.00    Наталья Галанина «Macmillan English Campus:
                       образовательное пространство для вузов»

12.00-12.20    Перерыв

12.20-13.10    Grzegorz Śpiewak ‘Mind Your Own Business English’
My argument in this session will be that there are perhaps more parallels between general English and business English that we have traditionally allowed ourselves to believe. Indeed, the right approach may well be a synthesis between the two, towards a concept that we can perhaps provisionally dub ‘general business English’ . We will explore some of its socio-linguistic characteristics and suggest some strategies and forms of class work that will facilitate its emergence given the limited time and resources that we have.

In the practical part of the session, we’ll sample a number of activities which – to my mind at least – amplify the value of general Business English as a crucial part of a modern approach to syllabus design of professional English courses at tertiary level.

13.10-13.30    Наталья Николаева «Академические издания
                       издательства Palgrave Macmillan для вузов»

Место проведения: УрГЭУ

Адрес: г. Екатеринбург, ул. 8 Марта, д. 62, аудитория №152 (1 этаж)

Проезд: до остановки «Цирк», ст. метро «Геологическая».

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