
Digital Technology for Exams

вариант 2.pngНовый проект издательства Макмиллан, в котором гуру ICT покажут и расскажут, почему и как современные технологии помогают преподавателю и их студентам успешнее подготовиться к экзаменам.

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The Why, What and How of effective implementation of digital technology in ELT
Tony Prince

31 January 2019
15:30 MSK


Tony Prince is Academic Director for Tertiary Education at NILE. His experience in providing academic support has included developing a content integrated Presessional programme for students at the University of East Anglia, as well as Departmental Insessional support across the University.

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Using technology to promote learner autonomy and good study habits
Olga Sergeeva

28 February 2019
15:30 MSK


Olga Sergeeva is an English teacher, CELTA trainer and local Delta tutor based in St. Petersburg. Her qualifications include Delta (Distinction/Merit/Distinction), CELTA (A) and CPE (A). She also has a British Council ELTons nomination for creating http://tubequizard.com/, a service that generates listening quizzes based on subtitled YouTube videos. Olga blogs at http://vk.com/olyaelt/

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Valentina Aspidova

25 April 2019
15:30 MSK

Valentina Aspidova has 15 years’ experience both in teaching (mostly teenagers and adults) and managing teaching staff as the Director of Studies at London Express, Pyatigorsk (2014-2017). Valentina holds a degree in Teaching Foreign Languages, CELTA, Delta Modules 1, 2 (NILE ), CPE. Current PD interests lie in selecting and developing high quality teaching materials for personal use and sharing with colleagues; gaining IELTS 8.5/9.

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