
Открыта вакансия методиста

Macmillan Russia

Macmillan Education, one of the UK’s leading ELT publishers, is looking to appoint a highly-motivated and self-reliant individual to take on responsibility for extensive schools and institutional visiting, for offering methodological advice for teachers and directors of studies, for delivering product presentations and teacher training sessions to promote Macmillan ELT materials.

The successful candidate will assist with regional marketing campaigns, attend exhibitions and conferences and supply feedback to the publishing team. The ideal candidate must have previous ELT experience

The above positions require first-class communication, presentation and inter-personal skills, together with the flexibility and initiative to cope with a varied and a demanding workload.

Please apply by sending a CV and covering letter, stating current salary and quoting the appropriate vacancy

Представительство компании
“Macmillan Publishers Ltd”
107045 Москва, Луков пер., 10,  офис 5
Тел.: (095) 967 67 72/73/74
Факс: (095) 926 95 45
E-mail: office@macmillan.ru
